Is your work in line with your skills?

We value women professional skills!

Fostering Inclusive Excellence: our platform pioneers professional connections between women and companies, embracing cultural diversity through our advanced matching algorithm.

Join us in building a network that celebrates unity in diversity!

Women :
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Women at business
Why should you join Women At Business?

Real opportunities 

Professional opportunities in line with your skills thanks to our matching algorithm.

Choose the job you like best

Choice based on skills, experience, know how and privacy.

Professional training

On going training to acquire the professional skills most required by the labour market.

Women at business

You are free to select the right job for you!

Choose the opportunity to enhance your skills and professional experiences to find the job you have always wanted, you will be considered exclusively for what you know and what you are able to do.

Our advanced platform manages to bring together Women's professional skills with the onces sought by Companies.

No coded bias. 


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From the community

Who has already chosen our services

Are you a company searching for female talents?

Choose our platform to increase the female presence for a more inclusive, equal and diverse organization. 

Choose our project to reach your ESG goal of Gender Equality.


Your company will have access to a database of women's professional profiles.

Your company will be more competitive thanks to diversity.

Embrace sustainable goals for your company and for the entire society.

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Highlights Women at business

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Women up, Cinzia: “La mia azienda vince premi per l’inclusività e...

Women up, Cinzia: “La mia azienda vince premi per l’inclusività e...

“Ho raggiunto grandi risultati nel lavoro ma il brand prestigioso che ha acquisito la mia società sta cercando di farmi dimettere perché ho 60 anni”. Si può riassumere così la vicenda della...

Continental punta sulla parità di genere aderendo a Women at Business

Continental punta sulla parità di genere aderendo a Women at Business

Parliamo della più evoluta piattaforma di incontri professionali tra donne e aziende basata su un algoritmo di matching delle competenze

Continental investe sulla parità di genere con Women at Business

Continental investe sulla parità di genere con Women at Business

Continental Italia SpA, nata nel 1967 e diventata in breve tempo il punto di riferimento per il settore Tires, continua il suo percorso verso il gender balance.